Wednesday 4 May 2022

What is Vedanta ? - 03

'Beyond the world' seems to be the key-point in Vedanta. If it is a subject within the world then regular means of knowing like perception, inference and scientific methodology will be sufficient. But Paramatman, The Supreme Transcendent Atman or the God Absolute, in whatever way you call it, is a subject beyond the world, in the sense beyond the range of regular means of knowledge like perception etc. If something is beyond the world, beyond the means of knowledge, how can we know about it? There comes the Vedas. And the real. secret essential import of the Vedas are what are called Upanishads or Vedanta. 

But again there are some problems in understanding this. Even if the Upanishads tell us about the God Absolute how on earth can we verify whether what they tell is true or not? In the real world if you say something then the verification can be there, directly checking and seeing whether what is claimed is true. But about the 'subject beyond' the revelations themselves carry their own authentication. Just what they say about the 'beyond the world matters' namely God, what they say are authoritative in themselves. It may be a little odd. But then how can there be any verification also? Because to verify, it must come down ultimately to perception. But God is a subject beyond means like perception. That is why both the Vedic and Vedantic studies separate the subjects of the world and the subjects beyond the world. 

Vedas and Vedanta are not means of knowing for the subjects of the world. The subject of God cannot be known through any other means other than Vedas and Vedanta. It is more or less the confusion between faith and reason is clarified and the faith is made a methodological study of revealed texts. Faith becomes a meaningful study of its own subject rather than randomizing one's opinions on any chance subjects, worldly or beyond the world. 

But again when we say the Upanishads are called Vedanta, we have a problem there. Because do all the texts which bear the name Upanishad come under the category Vedanta? There are various anthologies of these Upanishads, sometimes 27, sometimes 108, sometimes 220 and even more. A good point of classifying these will be the standard that whatever Upanishad comes in the total text of Vedas, whether it is Rig Veda or Yajur Veda or Sama or Atharva, those can be called Vedanta. If selected like that even that comes to more than fifty. But the tradition either from the times before Sri Adisankara or from his times has been to take ten Upanishads for commenting upon. But the actual Upanishads quoted by the commentators of Brahma Sutras vary, say 12, 14 or more. 

Are there not great thoughts in other Upanishads of 108 or 220? Yea there are really many such thoughts in many of those texts. But the larger anthologies do contain some spurious compositions down the time. But generally those which form part of the Vedas are good and even quite a number of Upanishads, which are individual treatises, not forming part of any Vedas also contain many remarkable thoughts even though of sectarian devotions. But the selection of Upanishads and fixing up the number of them should have been done during the times of Brahma Sutras or before that. Perhaps when trying to arrive at the uniform import and consistent message of the revelations, sages should have decided that these ten texts cover all the essential aspects of the Vedanta regarding that transcendent reality. Other Upanishads may elaborate upon these essential aspects, taking one or more aspects into their focus. So fixing these ten Upanishads and arriving at their uniform consistent meaning give us a standard even for studying all other Upanishads also and identify genuine texts. 

The standard ten Upanishads are Isavasya Upanishad of Sukla Yajur Veda, Kena Upanishad of Sama Veda, Katha Upanishad of Krishna Yajur Veda, Prasna Upanishad, Mundaka Upanishad, Mandukya Upanishad all these three of Atharva Veda, Aitareya Upanishad of Rig Veda, Taiitiriya Upanishad of Krishna Yajur Veda, Bruhadaranyaka Upanishad of Sukla Yajur Veda and Chandogya Upanishad of Sama Veda. In addition to these ten, another Upanishad of great importance is the Svetasvatara Upanishad of Krishna Yajur Veda. Likewise another Upanishad of importance is Kaushitaki Upanishad of Rig Veda. So these ten plus two Upanishads form the standard and basic texts of Vedanta. The Vedantic core concepts contained in these Upanishads are summed up poetically by Sri Krishna in the Gita and the Vedanta of these Upanishads are made into a reasoned out treatise in the form of aphorisms by Veda Vyasa in Brahma Sutras.
Srirangam Mohanarangan 


Wednesday 27 April 2022

Swami Vivekananda and his Chicago speech

Many times a close resemblance strikes eloquent between Srimad Bhagavad Gita of Sri Krishna and the Lectures from Colombo to Almora of Swami Vivekananda. If you are earnest to see a great integral act of comprehensive statement down the ages by Hinduism you can never fail to see the resemblance, a great attempt of summary millennia ago on the Chariot and an equal effort of summary by the itinerant monk, the Hindoo Monk as he was called by the papers overseas. Both books do the same mission, I think, in different semiotics. 

In one of the lectures, Swami Vivekananda starts like this: 

"The subject is very large and the time is short; a full analysis of the religion of the Hindus is impossible in one lecture. I will therefore, present before you the salient points of our religion in as simple language as I can.” 

And he proceeds to explain and extract the salient integral features of the great living system, viz., Hinduism. Once upon a time I was so mad after this book. Then when I embarked on the studies of the traditional schools and their works, I developed a strange audacity to think 'after all Swamiji has done oversimplification, perhaps out of his enthusiasm.' When I did enough home work on my own, it dawned slowly on me, a realisation with an embarrassment, that Swami Vivekananda has drawn out the creamy essence of Hindu scriptures, which nobody else could have done so effectively. The realisation was a punch in my nose and of course, I began to know the value of his thoughts in first hand. 

And coming to what I am trying to say - towards the end of his lecture he is stressing something, the value of which is so immediate and again immeasurable. 

”1 have finished what I had to say about our religion. I will end by reminding you of the one pressing necessity of the day. Praise be to Vyasa, the great author of the Mahabharata, that in this Kali Yuga there is one great work. The Tapas and the other hard Yogas that were practised in other Yugas do not work now. What is needed in this Yuga is giving, helping others. 

What is meant by dAnam ? The highest of gifts is the giving of spiritual knowledge, the next is the giving of secular knowledge, and the next is the saving of life; the last is giving food and drink. He who gives spiritual knowledge, saves the soul from many and many a birth. He who gives secular knowledge opens the eyes of human beings towards spiritual knowledge, and far below these, rank all other gifts, even the saving of life. Therefore, it is necessary that you learn this, and note that all other kinds of work are of much less value than that of imparting spiritual knowledge. The highest and greatest help is that given in the dissemination of spiritual knowledge." 

Gift of knowledge is the very need of our age. Has not Bharati coming in the line of Vivekananda, Nivedita sung? 

"Should we indeed develop knowledge
for the sake of all the people
and all the people as one" 

Again what is spirituality? Is it any big show? or any intellectual fanfaronade? Never. 

”Talking is not religion ; parrots may talk, machines may talk now-a-days. But show me the life of renunciation, of spirituality, of all-suffering, of love infinite. This kind of life indicates a spiritual man.” 

And what should be avoided? 

“And above all, one thing is necessary. Aye, for ages we have been saturated with awful jealousy; we are always getting jealous of each other. Why has this man a little precedence, and not I? Even in the worship of God we want precedence, to such a state of slavery have we come. This is to be avoided. If there is any crying sin in India at this time it is this slavery."
(The Complete Works of Swami Vivekananda, Part III, 3rd Ed., 1922 pp 133, 134) 

Some event in history becomes a sort of magnet-event, attracting the enthusiasm, efforts and involvement of contemporary and succeeding generations. Swami Vivekananda's speech at the Parliament of Religions, Chicago was one such event. Otherwise why should the owner of Anandabodhini journal Mr N Munisamy Mudaliyar ask the Tamil teacher of National College High School in Trichy, Mr E S Varadaraja Iyengar, to translate the Chicago speeches of Swamiji. This was happening in 1929. The Tamil teacher was living in Uraiyur, Saraswathy Nilayam.

Anandabodhini was given its name by His Holiness Karapatra Swamigal, who was at Sadhu Nilayam, Vyasarpadi. From 1915 it was running as a monthly, attracting a subscription of 20000, as the blurb in the backpages says. And when the translation of Chicago addresses was coming out in 1929, in the same year Sri Ramakrishna Math Chennai was bringing out a selection of Swamiji's words bearing on Nationalistic themes and about our country as .Namadu Thainadu, selected and translated by Ra Krishnamurthy, with the foreword of Swami Yathiswarananda. In the munnurai Swami Yathiswarananda says that the complete works of Swami Vivekananda was yet to come out in Tamil at that time, 1929 and opines that the said selection of Swamiji's words will well fill the gap in the meantime.

Already in 1921, Mr M S Nateson of Trichy brought out the Tamil translation of the paper on Hinduism by Swami Vivekananda, which forms part of Chicago speeches through The Vivekananda Publishing House, Teppakulam, Tiruchi.

I think even this itself will form a good research theme. i. e. various translations in various regional languages both during when Swamiji was living and after his time in the following decades. And also what were the reactions, informal and written or some comments occurring in some other places.

Yea .. An event having reverberations through time.
Srirangam Mohanarangan


A collection of my random thoughts

The real question is not whether life exists after death. The real question is whether you are alive before death. - Osho 

By dying before death comes you can be alive both before and after death. 

We have so many evanescent I s in us. They smear over all through us and claim our self-identity. They have mesmerised, hypnotised and brain-washed us into so many self-positions and self-stances. We are alive all the time to these ephemeral colours we have given to us, by choice, by socialisation and by self-compulsive ways of feeling. If we can die in all these false identities, which act as false passports landing us in irrelevant fates, then we will begin to see that death is the worst superstition we fondly hug to. Not only Vedanta is never tired of driving home to us this blatant lie we always feed us with, even the Poet of Avon is saying in the Sonnets -- 

"Buy terms divine in selling hours of dross; 
Within be fed, without be rich no more. 
So shalt thou feed on Death, that feeds on men, 
And, Death once dead, there's no more dying then." *

Is religion necessary for man? Should man be ruled by primordial fears.? By religion should he be reaching the past or is there religion which can make him look towards the future? 

At last after reading so much and thinking and breaking my head over all these years of my life, a sort of clarity has come to my understanding, that I am really Atman and not the body-nerves-mind-brain complex. Of course the clarity is flickering like the lamp in winds. But I feel confident that the light is such that it cannot black out. But I feel a little diffident to openly say this. Because it took me so many years of hard toil in thinking work. Reading, both extensive and intensive, has stood me a lot in this personal adventure. I think I am of low caliber in my mental acumen to have taken so long to reach at least this much inkling about so basic an essential nature. Then why should I be so unashamed in openly saying this? Don't know. May be to cheer you up.


Actually there is no event. subject vs object is not there. Only Knowing, which can never be objectified, is there. It is peculiar and prior to all events.

But fundamental to all equations of knowing vs known there is a Knowing which is constant and which betrays any attempt to objectify itself either as a known or as a knowledge. 

To have something to know is understandable. But to know oneself? How?


A little understanding is not dangerous but a bit troublesome. As long as there was no doubt regarding the definition of my self my decisions and self-attributions were authentically stemming from and routed to me as the so-born-person. Now all intellectual processes stagger this way and that. Total ignorance seems a blessing, though it is not. Sleep is sweet. Slumber is wonderful. But a whiff of wake up ? Does it underline the slumber or highlight the waking? Too difficult to say, especially when the sleeping and the sleepless are one and the same.

Is it correct to translate 'cit' of Sanskrit as conscious being? When we say 'conscious' the operation requires something else to become the object. The operation when classified and named on the basis of essential characteristic is 'consciousness'. But in 'cit' the essence which does the operation of being conscious is captured and named, I think. Or perhaps the recursive usage has trimmed the word 'cit' into such precision in Sanskrit, may be. But the point is objectless consciousness. The point is if the object is not there in consciousness then the subject also is not there and also the relational correspondence of consciousness-operation is also absent. The abiding essence is 'cit'.

Philosophy, science, religion and poetry have long consumed my interest, life and involvement rather than the problems of society. As a result I find myself poor in the areas of social interests and cares. Perhaps I could have chosen differently and involved myself in social reconstruction. But why I chose what I have chosen eludes me. I am not sorry about my choice. But more and more when I realise the importance of social reconstruction and when I become more and more aware of the maladies of the past and more so of the present and the future, I doubt sometimes in what way all my philosophy and in depth study of metaphysical subjects is going to be relevant and meaningful in the evolving contexts. I have a philosophy of my own, which I will write some day. But a weighing dejection sets on me occasionally, what is all these worth and more so what my philosophy is going to be worth. But I have to be what I am, what balance of worth may weigh on my side.

I was thinking about J Krishnamurthi's saying - 'Truth is a pathless land.' And I was thinking about the Name of Sriman Narayana in Sri Vishnu Sahasranama, viz., 'Yoga:'. He is the supreme goal to be attained. And he himself is the Way, Yoga: of attaining it.

And while I was going through one of the twelve volumes of 'M, the Apostle and the Evangelist', tr from original Bengali book by Swami Nityatmananda, I came across this from the mouth of M, where he reminiscences about Sri Thakur (Sri Ramakrishna).

"M :- Thakur told us, 'Once I felt the desire to go to a limitless tract of land to see how the animals and birds live there. While returning from my native place I got down the bullock cart and ran towards a field. I saw that in the middle of this vast expanse rows of ants were moving holding a piece of paddy in their mouth.'. 
'Just see, how He preserves the whole universe. He has arranged all kinds of food for all - for the gross, the subtle and the causal bodies.' (pp247, Volume IX, M, the Apostle and the Evangelist, Sri Ma Trust)

Somehow the inter-textuality rings on contemplating about it. Truth, the pathless land is also the Providence taking care of.

Yoga: Yogavidam Netaa

He remains the Way and the Leader

'Can you become an occidental of occidentals in your spirit of equality, freedom, work, and energy, and at the same time a Hindu to the very backbone in religious culture and instincts? This is to be done and we will do it. You are all born to do it.' 

This statement is very pregnant with implications. Thinking over and over on that makes me understand his deep vision.

Is there anybody ready to emboss a significant saying in real gold? If there is one, this is the saying for him --

'No man, no nation, my son, can hate others and live. India's doom was sealed the very day they invented the word Mlechchha and stopped from communion with others.' 


'Perfect life is a contradiction in terms. Therefore we must always expect to find things not up to our highest ideal. Knowing this we are bound to make the best of everything.' 

Life means imperfect. If made perfect, life will not be life. Perfect by its own standard or by what standard? So the highest ideal, does it come out of life itself or our of reading and understanding? So the Ideal and the Perfect is conceptual but may not be totally Real. Is it? Is it a sustaining 'Difference' between Idealism and Realism? And the practicality is to make life as much near to the Ideal and the Perfect. Is it so?

I find Swami Tapasyananda's translation of Srimad Bhagavatham, a treat in itself. It is not just a translation. He goes into the nuances of abstract very ably. His choice of words and expressing the subtleties in right measure of elaboration add an enhancing charm. It seems never an excess, I think. The memories of meeting him and talking to him many times during 80s and 90s make me nostalgic of the Chennai Math. What a sweet old man he was then!

Just now I am returning from Navarathri Puja in my friend's house. Beautiful lights, decorations, sweet smells, feminine sanctity, such warmth and affections, so tasty dishes - Wov! we make a Festival of Senses and through that create a mood of the Supersensual. After initial hi hi s, the mind begins to zoom into the bhakthi aspects. And slowly the mind begins to travel towards rarefied levels. Oh ! What a contrivance our forefathers have hit upon! Hats off!

The ultimate attainment is Advaita
Not knowing this,
should I suffer
More and more in mind,
being torpid
like the dull-heads
Swayed by the ghost of I ?
Oh Thee!
who are Pure
and the Total Whole,
Out and out against all blemishes,
Ever in the self-nature,
Never becoming alien
to the bliss and power
of the intrinsic Self-nature,
who art the One,
in the fructified Grace!

-- Tr by myself of Thayumanavar's song.

the original --

அத்வைதம் பெறும் பேறு
என்று அறியாமல்
யான் எனும் பேய் அகந்தையோடு
மத்தமதியினர் போல
மனம் கிடப்ப
இன்னமின்னம் வருந்துவேனோ?
சுத்தபரி பூரணமாய்,
சொரூபானந்தச் சக்திகள்
நீங் காதவணம் தன்மயமாய்,
தழைத்த ஒன்றே!

Sri Ramakrishna wrought many miracles. Not the miracles of matter but the miracles of comprehensive understanding and empathetic integration. He took the directness of feeling from the paths of faith and combined it with the broadness of engaging in diverse discourse of the philosophical scholarship. 

Have you ever stopped and thought about 'what is pleasure? what is enjoyment? joy? happiness?' How pleasure and thought tie up? A very interesting discussion is here in this conversation between J Krishnamurthy and Mr Anderson. 

My book in Tamil on Bhagavath Vishaya, viz., 'பகவத் விஷயத்தை எண்ணும் போது' is coming out in a short time. I have written this dedication page in that -- 

"யாரைக் கற்கும் போது
எந்த விஷயம் புரிய வருகிறது என்பது
அறிவின் தேட்டத்தில் விந்தையான கணம்தான்.
உண்மையில் ஆசிரியர்கள்.
அயின் ரேன்டைப் படிக்கும் போது
அரிஸ்டாடில் புரிந்தது;
அரிஸ்டாடிலில் ஆழும் போது
விசிட்ட அத்வைத தர்சனம் புரிந்தது;
எனவே யாருக்கு அர்ப்பணிப்பது?
அந்த யவனாசிரியருக்கா?
அல்லது அயினாசிரியைக்கா?" 

Translated it runs thus -- 

It is a strange moment to say,
What subject we come to understand,
When? Reading whom?
Studying something seemingly different?
Who makes us understand,
They are the Masters, really;
Reading Ayn Rand,
I came to understand Aristotle;
Delving into Aristotle,
Visishtadvaita Darsana became clear; whom am I to dedicate?
To the Master from Ionia?
Or to the teacher Ayn? 

Begun reading 'My Life and Quest' by Arthur Osborne, Sri Ramanasramam, 4th Ed., 2013. I like the book for the facile style of the author. He is able to pack very many mental depths into his constructions. Of course he is very lame, when he tries to compare and draw a uniform line through the religions semitic and Asian. From his writings one is able to understand much about the war years and the silent and ebullient quests of human beings across the globe. The sweat of the continents and the spiritual breeze of the East, are shown in realistic terms by the author. Gone half way. I will be back with it to you after finishing. But a very good purchase, that too in this scorching heat, such a cool and soothing reading! 

Here is one quote from Bergen Evans -- 

"In the last analysis all tyranny rests on fraud, on getting someone to accept false assumptions, and any man who for one moment abandons or suspends the questioning spirit has for that moment betrayed humanity." 

Anything that appeals to our reason, let us accept, even if a child should say it. On the other hand, anything that is repugnant to reason, let us reject, even though it might come from Brahma. 

-- Do you know who said this ? இதைச் சொன்னவர் யார் என்று உங்களால் சொல்ல முடியுமா? 

The answer is -- Sri Ramana Maharishi. 

Ref: Sri Ramana Reminiscences, G V Subbaramayya, 4th Ed 2014, Sri Ramanasram 

I thought that the Buddhist position regarding the concepts of change and unsubstantiality are quite unassailable. But Swami Vivekananda has very brilliantly shown how Advaita reconciles the positions of Buddhism vis-a - vis Advaita, in his four lectures on the subject of Practical Vedantha. Very brilliant ! 


Reality is really how many? Or how many aspects of reality make the total reality? Or how many phases of reality coalesce to form the whole reality? Dr Sir Roger Penrose says three such realitys coalesce or at least relate among themselves to form the totality of reality. The Physical reality, the mental reality, the mathematical reality. Then what is that REALITY which houses all these three? 

இளைஞர்களுக்கு புத்திமதி சொல்றது என்றால் இது மாதிரி இருக்கணும். அதை விட்டுட்டு -- 

Epicurus in a letter to Menoeceus -- 

"Let no one when young delay to study philosophy, nor when he is old grow weary of his study. For no one can come too early or too late to secure the health of his soul. And the man who says that the age for philosophy has either not yet come or has gone by is like the man who says that the age for happiness is not yet come to him, or has passed away." 

எபிக்யூரஸ் அருமையாகச் சொல்கிறார் மண்டையில் அடித்தால் போல் -- 

And the impious man is not he who denies the gods of the many, but he who attaches to the gods the beliefs of the many. 


"I do not want to get material life, do not want the sense-life, but something higher." That is renunciation. Then, by the power of meditation, undo the mischief that has been done. 
Swami Vivekananda

ஆன்மிக வாழ்க்கை என்ன என்பதை இரண்டு வரிகளில் முடித்து விட்டார் விவேகாநந்தர். 
Oh, me! I am stuck in these lines of Bert Meyers -

"Once, in autumn, I saw the sun
pause in the wrinkles of a tree
like passion on an old man’s face...."

What lines! You feel the rough skin of the trees rubbing on words. As if the universe of words overstepping the universe of things !


No matter to what hight you rise, to what low you sink, you can never escape discovering yourself where you are in the logging of the Life Divine. What a giant book and what sympathy the Super-Yogi should have had on human beings in pursuit, to have taken so much pains and time to have penned it! Thanks is a very self-shy meek word when one realises more and more the importance of the Book.

A great philosopher of the logical positivist school, A J Ayer, was uncompromising in his stand that statements which do not lend themselves to empirical verification or analytical exercise are quite meaningless. A great hit at the traditional metaphysics indeed. He was not a shy away philosopher when he confronted the unwanted advances of Mike Tyson on a new model in a party given by a fashion designer, saying 'I suggest we talk about this like rational men'.

Just one year before his death, A J Ayer had a near-death experience. On recovery he said that the experience slightly weakened his conviction that his genuine death will be the end of him. Later he opined that he should have rather told instead 'my experiences have weakened, not my belief that there is no life after death, but my inflexible attitude towards that belief'.

Strange! We demand that we should experience ourselves to accept anything. But when we do get, we try to wriggle our way out. !


It seems there are quite a number of victims of History in the field of thought. One such seems to be Herbert Spencer. He is one who wrote about evolution years before Darwin. But of course minus the part of natural selection. But more comprehensive than Darwin's, in that, Herbert Spencer was able to talk about evolution in the spheres of society, culture. What he wrote seems to be that evolution works towards more perfection, from the gross and banal and militant towards being more cooperative, finer and humane mutual transactions. But, lo...! history being sometimes reckless and devoid of any consideration... has branded HS with the idea of 'social darwinism'. 

( History..! sometimes you do not read your texts well... be good and behave well..! :-) )


The human gaze has the power of conferring value on things; but it makes them cost more too.
- Ludwig Wittgenstein

என் நெஞ்சினால் நோக்கிக் காணீர், என்னை முனியாதே !
- நம்மாழ்வார்

The modern artists may say, 'look! don't ask for meaning. You confer meaning by your Gaze...:-) - 
just for kidding...)

Srirangam Mohanarangan 

Srirangam Memories !


About 1988 or so we went on consecutive study tours to Srirangam and other places. Srirangam the headquarters of theology was our favourite visiting place, where each was thrilled in his own way. Sri Ramanuja was becoming our obsession. On the right below, you see the Math, Emberumanar Math. Myself, Mahendran and Ramesh from left to right are seen before the gate. Our official fotographer was Raghuraaman, my brother, seen in the picture left with the red shirt, myself, Ramesh, Mahendran on the backs of an excavated piece of elephantine architecture, may be symbolic of our happy understanding of Sri Vaishnavism. In the first large picture myself, Raghu and Ramesh are seen with the committed couple of SriVaishnavism Sri U.Ve.Krishnaswami Iyengar, Sri Vaishnava Sudharsanar.

The first photo is the Thai Car festival in Srirangam. I have one of my Tamil poems on the Temple Car. The poem visualizes the Car or ThEr, as it is called in Tamil, as the symbolic form of the social communion with its own values. It exhorts all and sundry to participate not only now but always in order to make their lives meaningful. 

இடம் பிடிக்க வேண்டுமெனில்
வடம்பிடிக்க வாருங்கள்
அரங்கன் தேர் அசைகிறது
ஒப்பனையாய் வைத்தபரி ஒய்யாரப் பாய்ச்சலில்
ஊரெல்லாம் கூடிவந்த ஒத்துழைப்பில்
ஊமையின் உதடசையும்
ஊன்றுவிழி இமையசையும்
ஊர்க்கோடி முக்கினிலே முட்டடித்து
மூங்கில் கழி கெட்டித்து
மூலப்பெரும் பாழை முக்காலக் கோலடித்து
மூண்ட படைப்பின் மூலச்சுருதி வாங்கி
மூச்சடங்கி பேச்சடங்கி மூளும் உயிரடங்கி
மேல் வார்த்த தோலின் ஆர்ப்படங்கா
கார்வைதொனி தானசையும்
அடிவயிற்றில் மூச்செடுத்து
அண்டத்தின் வேரை
ஆதிமுதல் அடிபோட்டு
அந்தத்தை முடிபோடும் அழியாத விதியை
ஆர்த்துவரும் தாம்பிழுத்துக்
குலநீர்மை ஒன்றாகிக் கூடியெழும்
கோவிந்தா குரல்முழக்கில்
கொட்டும் வேர்வையினில்
குடமுழுக்கு ஆன குலமொன்றாய்
அரங்கன் தேர் அசைகிறது
அவன் கிடந்த மண்ணில்
ஆற்றின் இடைக்குறையில்
ஆய்ச்சிக்கை தாம்பிற்கு அஞ்சி அச்சுதனார்
ஆயிரவாய் அரவணைப்பில் 
அறிதுயிலும் அரங்கத்தில்.......
இடம் பிடிக்க.....

The second photo is a rare pic of the Shakespearean play Merchant of Venice staged by my father and Prof C.S.Kamalapathi in aid of The Boys High School, Srirangam in 1980s or so. 

Prof C S Kamalapathy played Shylock. My father was the director. Two sons of Sri Krishnamurthy Rao playing the roles of Bassanio and Portia. Sri Kasturi, son of Sri NRN, Headmaster of the School playing the role of Antonio. Staging Shakespeare in 1980s was a bold move, even though my father and Prof C S K have staged more than dozen plays across the Tamil land for some three decades from 1940. But those days were getting over in 1970. But still this happened. Stage is very tempting to thespians.

And again another drama, 'Dilli sendra Namperumal' was staged by my father in the School grounds. It was written by Smt Kumudini in a popular Tamil magazine with name 'Sulja'.. She wanted to stage it somehow or other. I remember when she approached my father, suggested by Prof C S Kamalapathy, my father firmly refused to take it up for staging, for the reason, that she wanted to stage it as it was written by her. My father, a veteran amateur playwright and stager of many dramas, English and Tamil, tried to explain to her in so many ways why it was not possible to stage the written copy as it was. But being the author, she was piqued and went away disappointed. 

After some days again she contacted Prof C S K and again she was back to my father. My father assured her that he will take care of her points and always appraise her about the necessary changes and after initial one or two scenes, when she understands the difference of stage and paper, the project can go on with her concurrence. Ultimately she came around to see the nuances of staging and she was happy afterwards. 

The drama was a hit in the surroundings. Embar Vijayaraghavachariyar playing Ranga Dasar, the Araiyar and the whole episode telling the story of retrieving the idol from the Delhi Sultan and with the assistance of Gopanna Raya, the Murti was brought back to the town. This historical episode was the theme of Smt Kumuduni's play in Kalaimagal, by name, Sulja. Of course I was my father's assistant as a scribe, as an assistant director asking the grown up men in dhotis to recite and tell the dialogues. Imagine a small boy doing the tutor's job. The actors were very generous hearted, they should have been! 

Towards the last when the play was moving on the stage, just before the scene when the soldier from Gopanna Raya should come and give the King's message to the Ranga Dasa (Embar), we found out that an actor for the soldier's role was not provided or the actor has not turned up. What to do? My father was not bothering at all. He tied around my head one turban, put one soldier's pull over on me, gave me one spear in hand and asked me to go and deliver the dialogue as the soldier. Totally unplanned. But no problem. It was I who wrote the script as he was dictating from the start, trained many side characters in correctly pronouncing the dialogues and so nearly all the dialogues of all the actors were known by heart to me. 

I went and delivered the message. Ranga Dasa must acknowledge the King's message and say something to the effect. But Embar said just 'haang..' and was looking at me. Continuity was about to be broken. I told him that the King believed that he will receive the message in all happiness and do the necessary things. Immediately he remembered his part of the dialogue by my cue and delivered it. So the break was patched up. That is how you learn staging by experience. In the end function after the play was over, when Embar was telling, 'this Venu, this dictator, sorry, director, was just making us dance to his tunes all these days and also we were so many frogs in a pack, one jumping this way, another there and still another going away. How he managed all these he alone knows!' And so, the Srirangam of memories! 

See the lively action arrested in some ancient architect's work of an elephant being tamed! Last one is fundamental to the mythology of the Temple Town, Srirangam. Srirangam temple is called in tradition as the Ikshvaaku Kuladhanam. The story dates itself from the times of Sri Rama, who on his coronation finals gave away important gifts to his friends and associates in the hard times and the war. Vibhishana, the brother of Ravana of Sri Lanka, was given a special gift of the family tutelary deity of Ikshvaaku kula, viz., Sri Ranganatha. Vibhishana chose this place to consecrate the Deity and built the temple around. The local story is that Vibhishana comes even now in the mid of night, unseen, to worship the Lord of the Lords, Periya Perumal . In the snap shot of a statue on a pillar of Sesharayar Mandapam, Vibhishana is portrayed as carrying the Divine Casket, perhaps towards Srirangam. 

Our study tour to Srirangam was not only across spaces but also across time. I had to take the troupe to travel towards that past ethos with all that I had learned till then. People who were perched in the present cares had to feel the past having total bearing to the future. I was not only explicating the past by way of study but also enlisting the future by way of interpretation. Actually, all these happening thru creative imagination in the present. I taught my troupe, learned with them, and knew from them. What I taught to them was philosophical, what I learned with them was cultural and what I knew from them was reactional, in the sense, how the text is received by the current batch of active listeners, no matter if they know about it already or not. 

I feel even now vividly, my friend, Mr. T. Ramesh, one day announcing to me that the whole set of Bhagavat Vishayam, the 5- fold commentaries with ancient notes was available as a free gift to me from his paternal aunt, who is the daughter-in-law of Mr. Ethirajulu Chettiar. 

I became impatient of the passing half an hour till we reached her house in Saidapet. She was so joyous to meet me, for the reason that she was thankful that I was able to link back Ramesh to the cherished heritage, kept up so fondly by Mr. Ethirajulu Chettiar, who was a disciple of Sri U. Ve. P.B. Annangarachariyar of Kancheepuram. They perhaps saw the Chettiyar alive again in my friend. To see such occasions of homecoming, psychologically and culturally and maybe ideologically, gives unique bouts of joy, with great flux of currents passing across generation gaps. The picture shows the frontispiece of the sthalapurana of Alwarthirunagari or Thirukkurukoor, in the Thirunelveli Dt, renowned as the birthplace of Nammaalvaar. 

Sri Vaishnavism is the religion worshiping God Vishnu as the Supreme Deity in the method as advocated by Sri, Lakshmi to Vishvaksena. This method is handed down thru Agamas. In Agamas regional languages are given importance and license to be used for worship. In Tamil regions, continuing the Sangam heritage from the later part of the first millenium AD many mystic-devotees called AzhvArs began to sing on SriVishnu in Tamil. Their songs put together came to be called Four Thousand Divine Compositions, 'nAlAyira Divyaprabandham'. 

AzhvArs are 12 in number and NammAzhvAr is the central and primemost. His main work is called 'ThiruvAymozhi', The Blessed Utterances. He was a child genius and right from his birth he was immersed in ecstasy and meditation under a tamarind tree in Alwarthirunagari in Tirunelveli dt. some fifteen centuries ago. The scribe for his occasional outpourings was Madhurakavi and the book was lost in the passing of time. The master who recovered the book back along with a newly set music choreographed to be sung in temples by a lineage of maestros called 'araiyars' was Nathamuni. Later in 11th cent AD Sri Ramanuja brought into focus of Vedantha the significance of Tamil Saint's work and fostered it by expounding at length to the disciples and commissioning a disciple to write a commentary on ThiruvAymozhi in the mixed language of Tamil and Sanskrit. What began with that commentary became a commentorial tradition spanning some 300 years of rich layered age of hermeneutics and involved exposition of engaged exegesis. 

In 1877 ThiruvAymozhi with 5 commentaries and 10 more books subsidiary to the commentaries were published in the Telugu script while the language of the work remained in Tamil. This came to be referred to, for many decades by lineage of masters and disciples, as ' the Bhagavath Vishyam the great book'. It was a 10-volumed set of atlas-size pages. The book layout was unique in that any verse quoted carried its full meaning and the relevant commentary in a separate window in the very same page so that the students at work need not be distracted in searching for relevant text-places and respective books. The Telegu-script edition was begun to be transcripted into Tamil in 1916 with only the first two volumes covering 200 songs having come out so far as far as I have seen. [some say 3 volumes did come out] 

This is the title page of the first volume published in the year 'aananda', i.e., 90 years before. When this mega-project in Tamil got stuck up with the 2nd or 3rd volume, in 1925 a much sized down edition, leaving much of 'arumpathams'[meanings on commentaries], the window layout of extra coverage of the quotes and other subsidiary materials, came out from Triplicane, printed at Noble Press. It is the famous set that ruled the market for nearly three decades usually referred to as ' the edition of S.Krishnamachariar and V.M.Satakoparamanujachariar'. 

In 70s the mega-edition was again taken up by the editor of Sri Vaishnava Sudharsanam, Sri U. Ve. S.Krishnaswamy Iyengar, this time with much editorial vision and critical acumen. But again the project got stranded with 300 songs and the rest was made up by the photo-offset reprint of the sized down 1925 edition for the remaining 700 songs, as a compromise. But the mega project is still live, as I heard and making slow progress. Why can't the Vaishnava community as a whole take inspiration from what have they done and finish the megaproject in Tamil. 

I remember to have heard a piece of information regarding the Telugu edition of 1877. It was proof-corrected by 7 old ladies, steeped in devotion and tradition and the printing errors that have escaped their fervent eyes in the extant 4800 big pages seem to be of only single digit number. Proof-correctors the world over will like to salute them. 
Srirangam Mohanarangan 


Tuesday 26 April 2022

Writing on Hindu philosophic thoughts

There is a very great potential in Hindu philosophic thoughts, which opens up only when you engage in it in all seriousness. And comparative philosophical study can provide a great tool to cognize the depth and implications. Of course it need not be said that bromides are hurdles in the path of right understanding. And also for people like me, who do not subscribe to caste discriminations and gender discriminations, most of the sociological concepts as found in dharma sastras are quite unagreeable to say the least. That apart, looking into the philosophical concepts, I find a rich store of them, which can contribute towards the general human thought.

Take the case of 'will and desire' as Spinoza juxtaposes them or 'language and thought' as Wittgenstein will put it. Let us imagine the whole human being as an intricate machine and nothing else. Let us say that desire is just the bio-face and the cognition by the brain in flux-mode. i.e. a set of impulses read with the tag 'value' by the nature's computer is what is felt as desire. Just let us suppose. Then what is will? i.e. the set of thrusts which come inside out in efforts of attaining or obtaining the 'desired'? Now we have slipped a word 'effort'. So 'willing' 'taking effort' all depend on the initial point of cognizing. If all these are only bio-processes superannuating one over another linearly or recursively, the fundamental problem of the core of being which cognizes, wills and/or engages in action still crops up all the more brutally. Hindu philosophic thought openly admits and recognizes this problem of infinite regression and straight-away admits it. Instead of positing convenient shifting stances, Hindu thought says that the core of being where all these infinite regressions inhabit is what is called soul. The Atman is defined by these basic energies or potencies of 'knowing' willing' and 'acting'. Jnana, Icchaa, Kriya sakthis.

In the spectrum of world when you are able to read features of knowing, willing and acting you can honestly admit of the soul rather than attempt to reductively explain in terms of matter. 

On transfer I had to commute between a far off village and my residence. It was taking me more than one and a half hours of train journey. How to pass the time and ward off boredom? Books, yea, they have been my very good friends all along. So some book or other was in my hands keeping company, of course a real good company. So it started I think in that way. 

Young students, IT boys and girls, talking about sundry things, how we locked into each other on this question, 'What is Hinduism?' is difficult to answer now after a great passage of time. Somebody asked something like 'Was there anything like Hinduism in the past?' Is not the name itself something new and given by others? 

May be . What of that? In fact no religion bears the very same name which it had in the beginning. Was Christianity called so by Christ and the disciples? Buddha himself called his path as Arya Dharma, not Buddhism. 'Arya attAngamagga'.  Therefore can we say 'There was not any Buddhism in the past'? The same holds good for Hinduism. Why should double standards be adopted whenever Hinduism is talked about? Perhaps some vested interests at home and abroad have their own reasons to pop up such doubts in the minds of the Hindu people themselves. While talking about Hinduism we will be careful enough not to fall a prey to such shifts in approach. And we must give Hinduism all the margins that we allow for other religions. 

And another point. Who am I to explain about Hinduism? Am I any realized soul? No. I am born in Hinduism. I was brought up by my parents, taught by my teachers and I grew in Hinduism. I have grown in Hinduism and Hinduism has gone into my feelings and emotions. Of course I have studied a lot. Right from the Vedas, across the scriptures of the World Religions, lots of literature, philosophy, science -- enough to make a talkative of me. But always I shy away from imposing my ideas on others. Management theory may say, 'Hey! you lack the basic quality of management'. But what to do? men are different. And I prefer to stay as myself. 

Perhaps that was the reason why those young minds were fond of asking me such questions and also pursuing in getting my replies. Anyhow it was gala time and my travel was a joy. Otherwise what a boredom would have set in the two and a half years commuting. Thank you little hearts. You all sweetened my time. 

What is Hinduism? If you call it a Religion, then why are there so many religions within it? Any religion, does it not fall into a simple formula like, say, 'one God, one Book, one Master'. Can you say that Hinduism has this simple pattern? If yes what is that? If no, then, can you explain how Hinduism can be called a religion? 

One religion is not like another religion. There are some common aspects, but again there are aspects peculiar to that religion alone. We can't say Christianity is exactly like Islam, or like Buddhism and so on. That too, when we are talking about a very great ancient religion, passing through various times of Hindu society, we can't apply blindly this formula. There are very real structural differences between religions. That is the point. Seemingly there is a similarity, like -- God, Book, Master. 

This GBM formula holds good for the various paths within the fold of Hinduism.  SriVaishnavism, Saivism, Saktham, Kaumaram, Ganaapatyam, all so many separate paths or Sampradayas or Samayas, they all fulfill this formula viz., GBM -- GOD, BOOK, MASTER. Just ask any devotee of Vishnu. He will say clearly what is his chosen God? what are his prescribed books? and Who are the Masters of his path? He will be as clear as any other religious devotee. The same with a Saivaite, he is very clear about his books, God, Masters. A Saktha is also like that. 

But in Hinduism these devoted worships of the Chosen God are called Ishta Devata Nishta. Is this Ishta Devata Nishta in any way a form of fanaticism? Most definitely not. Because in fanaticism, what you choose to follow, you begin to think as the only truth. And all other religions become so many barren paths in wilderness. Your duty becomes changing other people. To tolerate such blasphemies becomes a sacrilege, according to what has been preached to you. You become bad in the eyes of your Most Righteous God, if you don't obey your scriptural commands, exhorting you to make the world, a uniform place for your One and Only God. Such a mentality is fanaticism. 

But in Ishta Devata Nishta, the idea is 'I want to worship the Ultimate Soul in this form. I know that it is really He, who resides in everything and also is the soul of others' Gods. He has assumed various forms to cater to the devotions of various types of religious people throughout the world. But this is my chosen Ideal. I prefer to worship in this way. In the same way, I do understand your choice of your own God. I respect your right to your chosen way of worship. After all is it not true, that all worships go to my Beloved in reality? Then why should I not wish you good luck in your spiritual endeavors. God speed! 

The meaning of the word Ishta Devatha Nishta is - Ishta - one's own liking; Devatha -- Godhead. Nishta -- deeply involved practice. So this 'deeply involved devotion towards one's Choice of Godhead' is never allowed to become, in any way, fanaticism. Because, even from the Vedic times, the Universal Idea has been firmly implanted in the Hindu's mind. 

'There is but one Truth; Sages have been calling it by different names' 

'The water falls from the Sky and flows through many ways to the self-same Sea; likewise the devotions towards many Gods ultimately reach the self-same Kesava' 

The same thought is given in a sloka of Siva Mahimna stotra. So the General and Universal aspect of Hinduism always worked in tandem with the individual worships of Chosen Gods. This two layered structure was organic rather than artificial. It was not an outwardly agreed upon arrangement but something which has evolved through the internal exercise of coupling the vast spiritual freedom with inevitable human limitations. The human nature was at no time ignored. The transcendence of abstractions was at no time lost sight of. The whole field of Religion was a veritable education for the Hindus. Any human being can start anywhere and go by his own path unhampered by any sort of sojourners' pressure. 

You unto your path
Me unto mine
And for us there is
Always the Divine. 


The Devotee's passion is to see his Chosen God as the Ultimate and God Almighty of the universe. The Jnani's passion is to merge in the Ultimate. Both ways are seeing the same thing from different perspectives, provided, you don't get sabotaged by fanaticism or snobbery of intellectualism. If by becoming narrow in your chosen devotion, you become more spiritual, then your narrowness is blessed. If by becoming more universal and more abstract in your inner most mind, you go nearer to the Ultimate Soul, then your universal and abstract outlook is blessed. What matters is, are you going towards the Centre? If the circumference takes you towards the centre, then it serves the prime purpose. If the radii take you away from the Centre, then the radius is wretched. But Hinduism is a Beautiful Circle. The radii never take you away. And the circumference never makes you dry. 

Did I say a beautiful circle? Yes, and more than that, an enchanting spiral and an engulfing spherical. An expert artist is fond of free variations of his tunes. Never is he content in striking a mono chord. The God of the Hindus is highly aesthetic. Art seems to be Its passion. It rejoices in the sight of the ardent soul. It comes unseen as the abstract vastness. It hides Itself in the heart as the possessing Love.  Treading the solo path, the soul takes to wings every now and then. To arrest it in any single walk may become an injustice to the Infinite. To feign a vastness where you have to feel pangs of Love may be an act of deserting the Centre. Who knows which soul is in what delicate equilibrium of spiritual growth? It is this mystical humility, the real concern imbued with spiritual expectation, that is at the heart of all the systems and paths of Hinduism. 

It is great and grand enough to be universal and all inclusive, just like the Sky and the Sea. Hinduism is of course a beautiful circle. But are there any books of reference, in times of preparatory years and the beginning steps of one's spirituality. Any definite anchor to stay floating and not to drift aimlessly. Even birds which fly inter-continentally, do carry some chart of instincts in their flights. The Soul after all, does have its beginning in self-realization, in the mortal coil. Books are indispensable in any religion, even in those religions which have dispensed with gods. Hinduism prescribes three prime most important books. It has garnered all its spiritual values in there, in those three books. Upanishads, Brahma Sutras, Bhagavat Gita. 

Upanishads proper are called the Vedanta, the culminations and conclusions of the Vedic inquiries. Vedantas or Upanishads are also called the Srutis, the Revelations seen by Rishis. These three books are called Prasthana Traya. Three Books based on the primacy of three facets of spiritual quest. What are those? Sruthi, Yukthi, Anubhava. Revelation, Reasoning, Experiencing. 

The Book that is based on the Revelation is Vedantas or Upanishads. The Book that is based on Reasoning is Brahma Sutras. The Book that is based on Experiencing is Bhagavat Gita. The human being comes to know of God only when He informs of His presence through some ways. He is not of the category of concrete things. He is definitely abstract. He is the abstraction of abstractions. So He is known more clearly through Words. For only words can connote more than concrete the abstractions. Hence the Book of Revelations. 

Then comes the Book of Reasoned out arguments on the Upanishadic concepts.  Human Reason is given full scope to analyze and understand the Heard Book of The Divine or the Seen Mantras of the Seers. Textual exegesis and hermeneutics form very important tools along with the philosophical understanding of the Grammar. Only then ensues the study of Brahma Sutras or Vedanta Mimamsa. 

Then comes the Book of Experiencing, viz., Bhagavat Gita. The whole Gita pours out of the involved experiencing of Sri Krishna, the greatest Vedantic teacher ever born. 

To speak of abstractions is good. But life happens to run on details. That too daily, domestic concerns and cares. We are impelled to actions more out of necessity than out of intellectual commitment. Human being is an acting being as much as a willing being, as much as a knowing being. To know, to will and to act form the three facets of the self-same soul. Jnatrutvam - the faculty of knowing; kartrutvam -- the faculty of acting; bhogtrutvam -- the faculty of enjoying. These three describe the three facets of the Soul. These three facets form the basic psychology of any individual. So any spiritual practice must incorporate in itself different strands of these triads. Hinduism has devised four such modus operandi -- viz., the four Yogas -- the Jnana Yoga, the Karma Yoga, the Bhakti Yoga and the Raja Yoga or the psychological Yoga proper. 

All the world religions talk about something in Heaven, which man must reach. Religion is other-worldly, according to them. So religion as an institution of training men to mourn and wish for a super reality is inherent in world religions. But Hinduism never talks of religion in that way. It always speaks of Dharma. Dharma is the reality as it is in principles. From atom to cosmos Dharma runs like a golden thread. The sustained, becomes the sustainer, through out nature. But this dharma which started as the grounding in nature and awareness of whatever is existing became narrowed down to mean social stratifications and status. 

Divinity is not somewhere. It is, has been, and will be shining in your heart. In the heart of every being, He resides and moves the world. Realising that in one's own self and transacting with the world based on that is the dharma. But this clarity is most often lost sight of by people in general. 

Divine Revelation. Debating Reason. Devotional experience. These are the three lights that form the basic canons of Hinduism. Vedas or Shruthi is the light of Divine Revelation. Brahma Sutras is the light of debating Reason. Srimad Bhagavad Gita is the light of Devotional Experience. All the three lights bring to vision the same reality. What Reason understands of the Revelation, Experience confirms. Shruthi, Yukthi, Anubhava are the words used by the great Adisankara for Revelation, Reason and Experience. 

But what is the basic proof of Religion according to Hinduism? Is it reading, debating, being emotional, building an empire of the faith? Not anyone of these. They mean nothing, if the basic proof is not there. The basic proof is not believing something. It is 'Seeing God'. To see God is the basic proof of Religion. It is the Vision, which the words explicate. Beholding is the base, believing may be only a prop on the way. The Vision is not concrete. It is the Transcendental Vision. 

Words are not mundane but they descend to the earth carrying the pure warmth of Divinity, only to ascend back carrying ardent souls. Unless and until one understands that Bhakti includes human rationality, it has not dawned on that person's eastern sky. Hinduism is the project of man, which started when he discovered that there is really, God. 

Books have been written aplenty in any school of thought in Hinduism. Abstract treatises abound on any strand of thinking. Even on Sri Vaishnava Sampradaya, the books I have may fill up a library. But all the books, all the treatises, on all the schools have their bearing, have their anchor mainly or somewhere in Vedanta. Even the Agamas which centre their ideology on temple worship and theology have their locus in Vedanta. Knowing Vedanta is knowing its methodology. Knowing Vedanta is explicating the world of Upanishads into a consistent study of the Transcendent. The commentaries of the old, tutor one in this methodology and inculcate the Vedantic thinking. But we have a blessing in Swami Vivekananda. He is the great Master of Modern Hinduism. His complete works provide a cogent text book of Hinduism and lends an efficient work-table to improve oneself upon. For the young generations and coming ages there is no other better option than reading the Great Sage. 

Complete Works of Swami Vivekananda is a vast corpus of writings of a great man. You get the positive statement of the essential and core features of Hinduism and the contributions of Bharath towards world-thought. But again to enter the CW, one needs some tips to steer one's way through the topology of ideas. 

First, undoubtedly, the Chicago addresses form the natural introduction to his thoughts not only chronologically but also concept-wise. That too after the phenomenal 5 mts speech starting with Sisters and Brothers of America, the most important piece not to be missed is his PAPER ON HINDUISM. In that he has risen to a great challenge posed by the times and the onset of of world culture. For the first time, almost, Hindu thoughts in essence and having relevance to the future are given in the world language unmistakably. This comes in Volume I. 

Next to that comes in the line of interest even according to his line of life-events, come his writings on an important theme. It is a great contribution to world-spirituality by Bharat-Desa. The Human being, if studied in its universal psychology, has the potencies of Work, Emotions, Deep Psychology and expanding Knowledge. Sometimes you like to work and work. You do things, alter this and that, bring things to what shape you want and all that. But are you always working just like that? You have your moments of deep emotions. Feelings move you like anything. You show passion, affection, great friendliness. Sometimes you just want to be with somebody. You need not talk; you need not express, as it were, anything much; but just being with that somebody gives you great joy. Those are, yea, some moments.! 

But it is not the full picture of life. Sometimes you are deep into some moods, some idea where your mind is totally engrossed. You may be a painter, who sits, stands before a growing concept on a canvas hours together. You are not satisfied with a stroke or a bend or a colour tone. You find your mind so docile and calm and arrested in that deep moment, perhaps not wanting to stir any more  for sometime. And again you are sometimes in vast knowing after knowing. The limits of your understanding go on extending. You comprehend more and more, linking this with that, incrementing shades of meaning by linking across disciplines. The nascent vastness making you almost impersonal, making you a vibrant process of knowing. Yea, sometimes you are that, most universal, transcending all colours, creeds and even anthropic particulars. You are becoming the expanding itself in thought. 

All these are comprehended by the concept of Yoga in Hinduism. And what better writings can there be on these aspects than that of Vivekananda? You find his great ideas in his explanations on these topics of Karma-Yoga, Raja-Yoga, Bhakti-Yoga and Jnana-Yoga. Human spiritual pathways of Work, Mental Control, Emotions and Knowledge. All these you can find in his Volumes . Karma-Yoga Raja-Yoga in Volume I and Jnana Yoga in Volume II and Bhakti-Yoga in volume III. 

(Karma-Yoga - Yoga of Work; Raja-Yoga - Yoga of Mental Control; Jnana-Yoga - Yoga of Knowledge; Bhakti-Yoga - Yoga of Emotions) 

My recommendation is one must read through these works before reading his Lectures from Colombo to Almora, which is placed in the very first volume. 

Chicago Addresses form a beautiful start, real and chronological, of the manifestation of his message. I always prefer to think that from that moment of the great Parliament on, Sri Ramakrishna took over the psycho-somatic medium of Vivekananda. From that moment on, it was the unified being of Ramakrishna-Vivekananda who was talking and writing. My idea is due to that fantastic simplicity! 

If all his works on the four types of Yoga are a potent communication of East-to-West, his Lectures of Colombo to Almora were vibrant adaptations of West-to East. The Lectures are where the Vivekananda in the two-in-one being Ramakrishna-Vivekananda become the active mode and the other one remains in the charging mode, if one may try to understand the phenomenon in this way. 

A charter of Hinduism in its age-old psyche and practice was begun on the podium of the Parliament but a new canon of Indian Nationalism was bequeathed to the Indian public through the Lectures from Colombo to Almora. In the Lectures Swami was giving potent impulses and stirrings to the dormant national psyche of Bharath which began to manifest due to the effective thrust given by Sister Nivedita and Sri Aurobindo, in the year 1906 as national awareness and national awakening. The British were sharply perceptive about the potency of these lectures. 

Apart from these, his intimate personality along with his pondering fervour we will be getting in his Conversations and Dialogues. But these records inform us about his later stages. He was such a one that he should have been attended with a Boswell or a M, right from his itinerant days. And another intimate record is his Letters. A wonderful literature of heart and sentiments he has left behind, if we choose to leave his words as his own. These records show that he was thinking and living what he was writing and talking. The letters come in instalments starting from Volume V to Volume IX. This system I do not like. His letters should have been put in a single volume chronologically, with no change, that too single English alphabets standing for persons referred to and addressed. No this highly irritates a reader whatever might have been the intention of the editors then. But they are grand as they are in these volumes. 

Coversations and Dialogues come in Volumes V, VI, VII. Again a work that must come in one full piece. And another brilliant little work is his Inspired Talks. Whoever recorded these blessed be they! The words are fresh from the highs of ecstasy and they sometimes strike you dumb through some beautiful evenings. The Srirangam sky was a witness to many such evenings some forty years ago. It comes in Volume VII. 

I think after finishing this first round of study and getting the personality in all its flavors, it will do well to come to his other translations and poems and essays on a second course of more familiar round. Notes on his lectures, stray lectures compiled and the translated essays do form another strata not only buttressing his thoughts, but also giving some new dimensions. His essays East and West and Modern India and also Buddhist India, though in translation are some of the very good pieces of thought. Memoirs of European travel, a humorous piece of writing in Bengali, introduced as if a new genre and style of writing in the original language as per Rabindranath Tagore. It retains its original humour here in translation also.

But another source of writing, which is a must-reading along with CW in order to grasp the vastness and varied nuances of his wonderful personality are two books by his famous disciple, Sister Nivedita - The Master as I saw Him and Notes on wanderings with Swami Vivekananda. Especially The Master, that book is a veritable commentary on Vivekananda's thought and personality. If the saying 'without Vivekananda it is difficult to understand Sri Ramakrishna' is true then saying 'without Sister Nivedita it is difficult to understand the total personality of Vivekananda' will not be anything less true. This book 'The Master as I saw Him' educated more nationalists in the seminal years of Swadeshi rise. The great poet Bharati was a close student of this great book. To understand the perennial worth of this book it will suffice if we look at the comments of Rev.Canon D D, T K Cheyne in his Review on this book of Sister Nivedita, which appeared in the Hibbert Journal 1911:

"Religion, to him, was not an intellectual theory, but the realisation of truth. For this, spirituality was an indispensable prerequisite, and such a rare quality needed cultivation. Still, Western and Eastern ideas being so different, it was necessary to expound the latter, i.e. the ideas characteristic of orthodox Hinduism, not as mere ideas, but as life-giving truths. Three volumes of lectures remain, delivered partly in England, partly in America, partly in India, besides the address before the Parliament of Religions at Chicago in 1893, and scattered separate lectures, especially that called "My Master," an account of the Swami's Guru, the saintly, God-intoxicated Ramakrishna, and a lecture on the Vedantic philosophy, given at Harvard University. All these are helpful, not only for a clearer insight into Indian thought, but for a somewhat tantalising glimpse of Vivekananda's personality. The present work, however, by Miss Noble, who in India became his disciple, gives a much more satisfying view of the Master. It is not a biography, but what our German friends would call a Charakterbild, and as such it may be placed among the choicest religious classics, below the various Scriptures, but on the same shelf with the Confessions of St Augustine and Sabatier's Life of St Francis." 

India is a land of religions. So many paths and so many peoples, so many mentalities. And from the hoary past many spiritual prescriptions gather unto themselves suitable votaries and devotees. Yogis, real or professed, have never been rare at any given time. Sometimes an engulfing personality sweeps the stage and the history twists around them for a moment. And always for a moment before the flow gyrates back to its stream. Perhaps such a moment was the advent of Sri Ramakrishna. Is it not? Or is it totally unique? I think it is unique in the history of human thought, the advent of Sri Ramakrishna and more so, the publication of the noumenon viz., Sri Ramakrishna to the world in the form of Vivekananda, the Phenomenon.

Of course the closest parallel happens to be the ancient and puranic pair Nara Narayana. To be the Master and to be the Disciple in the self-same incarnation. But it is just an happy parallel and remains only such without explaining very much the uniqueness of the modern event. It is a habit of thought with us to match the new with the old, however distant and however strange. And it is a favorite theme with us to reiterate that the time and hence the events are always cyclical, the old repeats itself.

But I think it will be a lot more effective towards understanding, if we, for a turn, are able to put these paradigmatic approaches away for a time and take the events as unique in themselves. Nothing wrong with the old parameters, but we scarcely understand their dynamic meanings, which should have been alive at least in the minds of some past masters of theology, though not in recent times but definitely in the relevant periods of the past.

Sri Ramakrishna and Vivekananda form the text and the commentary in themselves. One illustrates and the other explains. One intuits the meanings through life and the other illustrates by language and logic, the meanings imbibed. The Old happens anew and the Modern rediscovers its roots. The transcendental immortalizes itself in the transitory life and the temporal search finds its fulfillment in encountering the Eternal. It is a single happening janus-faced or janus-phased.

I think it is only in understanding Vivekananda in Sri Ramakrishna and again Sri Ramakrishna in Vivekananda that the modern India's self-discovery becomes complete. And this self-education has never become such a task of Nationalism in any past ages as it has become a necessity in our times. That is why I say we must keep the old parameters away for a time and approach anew our New Manifesto, which comprises all Nationalism, Spirituality and Universality in one.

Sankya philosophy spanned the whole world of things and knowledge about the world simply in 24 principles. And nearly all the schools of Hinduism take the Sankyan clarification of the known world as the base of their enquiry. In 24 principles you just grasp the whole universe.

Who is 'the one who grasps'? That is the knower? Yea really it is the soul or Jivatman. And he stands as the 25th principle. And he does stand apart different in kind. The previous 24 principles are all belonging to one classification - viz., 'Objects Known'. Whereas the 25th, i e., the knower, Jivatman, is not an object known. He is the knower who knows all things and objects.

And you can just think further about an encompassing whole which comprises all these, - known objects and the knowing soul, who are different in kind, but go to make our picture of the world. But what do you think, the nature of that encompassing whole? Will it be different in kind from these two, objects and the knower soul? Surely is it not? That Whole cannot be of the same kind as the objects known or the knower, Jivatman. But the nature of the Whole must be such that, the natures of the member-categories, viz., the objects and the soul are included within. That Whole cannot be totally 'Object' and also that Whole must house the object also inside itself. If that Whole cannot be just object, then the Whole must be more akin to the nature of the knower soul. But if it is just another soul, how can it include within itself different kinds like objects, which are known and Jivatman which actually knows the objects? So it becomes obvious that that Whole should be of a nature, which transcends the natures of member-categories like objects and knower, but which includes all the while these member-categories and accommodates their natures.

Hence the Whole is named as Supreme Soul, Param Atma. The whole includes objects but also transcends the nature of objects. Hence it is called Para Vastu - Param Porul or Supreme Substance. And Vedanta, which is the methodology which inquires into the real import of the Revelations, for instance, Vedas, likes very much the brevity in the number of basic principles involved and to be studied. Some sects give a very detailed listing of basic principles, so that pinning down all shades and variations as separate principles. But Vedanta lays down as one of its basic dictums - Lagava or brevity is essential. The principles must be reduced to most essentials and just multiplication of principles will not in any way enhance one's enquiry and also will not help in understanding.

Jiva, the word for the living is synonymous with Chit, the word for being conscious. The whole world can be classified into the living and the non-living. Hinduism differentiates between the conscious and the non-conscious, the Chit and the Achit. Only the God and the Soul come under the classification of the Chit. The being of Chit is Chetana. God is Parama Chetana.

In Hinduism the whole world has been classified into 24 Tathvas. The natural elements 5 - Earth, Water, Fire, Wind, Space The sensory organs 5 - Eye, Ear, Tongue, Nose, Skin. The sensations 5 - Sight, Sound, Taste, Smell, Touch. Organs of action 5 - Hands, Feet, Speech, Anus, Sexual organs. Organs of mind 4 - Mental Stuff, Mind, Intellect, Ego

So the world that we come to know is comprised of and contained in these 24 principles, viz., the natural elements, the sensory organs, the sensations, the organs of action and the organs of mind. The Knower, the Chit or the Atman is the 25th principle that comes after enumerating all the principles of the Known. So Atman itself is sometimes referred to as the Twentyfifth Principle in the Sastras of Hinduism.

The four-fold paths of Yoga, viz., Jnana Yoga, Karma Yoga, Raja Yoga and Bhakti Yoga are deeply based on one important aspect of the Soul, which is the possession of the three faculties. The faculties are Knowledge, Action and Enjoyment. But what is the nature of the Soul as such? Or is there anything as Soul in human living, not to speak of general life as it is.

Hinduism points out how in our own experience we have assumed and accepted the presence of the Soul before we venture to talk of anything as me or mine. The very human experience of its own beingness becomes impossible if we dare to doubt the prime most premise of the reality of the Soul. Of course here and hereafter we would like to mean by the word 'Soul', not its original Greek concept but what Hinduism means by the word 'Atman'. Atman or Soul has as its innermost essential characteristic, 'Chaitanya'. Chaitanya is the fact of being the 'Chit'.- 'Conscious Core'.

Consciousness is the tool we use in Knowing. Applied Consciousness is Knowledge. Potential Knowledge or the potentiality to know is the Consciousness. So, according to Hinduism, Jiva, the living being, irrespective of its being a human or any other living being, is intrinsically Atman or Chit. Any living being is a conscious being in essence. How far any living being manifests its essence of being conscious, in actuality, makes all the difference between a human being and other living beings. Of course the sophistication of the Sarira or the Body scales the spectrum of Life on Earth.

The main idea is - Jiva is not only something which lives but also quite as essentially, if not more, a being which is conscious, and also, a being which enjoys. The degree may differ with the species but the nature is universal to the Jivas.

In Hinduism any living being is called Jiva. Ji is to live. Any being that lives is Jiva. Jiva has three aspects in existence.

First is - Jiva is a knowing subject. It is capable of knowing that which is. It is capable of knowing itself. That is, Jiva has Knowingness or Jnatrutva. Jiva is an acting agent. It is capable of action. It is capable of adopting means towards ends. Jiva has Actingness or Kartrutva. Jiva is also an enjoyer. It is capable of enjoying the pleasures and it covets the pleasures. Jiva has Enjoyingness or Bhogtrutva.

Jiva is a Knower; an Acting Agent; an Enjoyer. To act and to enjoy are nothing but more special forms of the Knowingness of Jiva. So to liberate Jiva is to make it free to express itself fully by way of knowing, acting and enjoying. Hence Hinduism designs the paths toward liberation in such a way that all the three faculties are put to use towards freedom.

Four such paths have been designed, viz., the Path of Knowledge, the Path of Action, the Path of Yoga, the Path of Love. They are called Jnana Yoga, Karma Yoga, Raja Yoga and Bhakti Yoga respectively. All the four elements are in each and every one of the four, but with varying predominance. This Four Way Road is the National Highway of Hindu Religious practice.

The God of Hinduism is both transcendent and immanent. The canons of Hinduism talk about the changing and the unchanging aspects of the human life. The Religion of Hinduism is both universal in philosophy and private in practice. The people of Hinduism are austere in celebrating and celebrating in austerities. They call this world as the Vibhuti of God. Vibhuti means manifested splendour. So to shine in this world devoid of God is to court deprivation and poverty of Spirituality. And to shun this world as something despicable is to dishonour His splendour. And to claim this world as one's own is to commit robbery. And to think of oneself as the property of the ego, forgetting the true owner viz., God is to commit ontological theft. But to enjoy this world as belonging to the God and to realise oneself as the property of Him are sure ways of securing Prosperity and Spiritual Felicity. Abhyudaya, i.e., Prosperity is to see this world as belonging to the God. Nisreyasa, i.e., Spiritual Felicity is to see oneself as His possession.

The canons of Hinduism categorize the changing and the unchanging aspects of the religious life. Srutis cater to the eternal questions. Smritis deal with the changing problems of the society and human beings. 

God according to Hinduism is both immanent and transcendent in nature. He is even inside an atom. He transcends even the widest stretch of the Cosmos. 

aNOr aNeeyAn mahatO mahIyAn. Even in the micro space He resides in total Fullness. Again in the macro space He encompasses the entire details. Perhaps this Vision of God has inspired the very structure of Hinduism. Hinduism is particular in its Universality and universal in its Particularity. Just because He is immanent in all things, we cannot say the world is spiritual. And just because He is Transcendent to the world, the World in no way becomes secular. Actually God is the Totality, - the spiritual, the mundane, the cognizing souls, the created objects - everything forms part of the Totality, which is God. In what way all these things share in the Totality makes the inter-related Whole share with the indwelling parts in more than many ways. We have to find out our place in this Totality. Or rather we have to yield ourselves so that the Totality may find its domain inside us.

We have been talking of Sruthi and Smrithi. Canons of the Universal Principles and Books that deal with the customs, mores and habits of the people. That which deals with the eternal principles are the Vedantas or Upanishads or the philosophical essences of the Vedas. They tell us about Atman, Jeeva, Paramatman and the eternal life beyond. Why is Jeeva born in this world and what is his goal and how to reach it? And basically who is Jeeva really? What is his real nature? Your real nature determines what you must attain and in what way you must do it? If your real nature is something temporal. i.e., you exist by your very nature for sometime and simply go out of existence with nothing surviving, then you cannot think of eternal life and so on. When you yourself is just temporal, there is no point in breaking your head about that nature. But if your real nature is not temporal but eternal, then you must realise that nature and strive to attain the eternal life, which is your right by the very fact of your real nature. If you are really the eternal soul then what is that goal which you must reach?

What is the nature of that Almighty and what relationship connects you two? And what is that Way which you must choose? What causes the delay? and what are the impediments on the way? All these are explained in detail in Vedanta. These questions never change in time. They are the eternal spiritual principles of man's life.

But the social questions, viz., the social divisions, the problems of man and woman, the problems of the ruled and the ruler, the questions of family, the relationships of social living, all these are social problems which change with the time and they have to be updated based on the social realities and necessities by the societies concerned. It is better we realise the sooner, that for the world our reason and science are sufficient and for the spiritual Vedanta. Is it not the meaning of the term Veda, as per Sayana,? 
Srirangam Mohanarangan


Monday 25 April 2022

About my father - some titles listed and hyperlinked

The following is a list of my writings on my father R Venugopal, written on various occasions. The list is hyperlinked. That is, touch the title to open the page! 

1) Venu in the role of Aswattaman 

2) Venu, the marvel! 

3) Venu and Tiruloka Sitharam

Srirangam Mohanaarangan 


Sunday 24 April 2022

What is Vedanta? - 02

When we read the books of reference, namely Sastras, people like me will be facing a problem. That is, you will find high philosophical points being discussed. Suddenly statements about the social system, about castes will crop up. They were thinking of society only in such terms in those times. But in our times we need not take such statements into consideration. At least I do not consider them at all. My focus is on the philosophical and theological points, which are interesting and which can contribute to our modern dialogues of human thought. It is so nearly in all books of the old of all cultures world over. There will be many ideas and opinions which are irrelevant to our human development in the ancient books in general. Only we must pick and choose what is relevant to us and will be relevant to the future times. But there will be persons always in nearly all cultures, who will be focusing on social, domestic and personal opinions. That is why I said, if you give up even at the start the three discriminations or biases viz., discriminating between human beings on the basis of birth or race, discriminating between men and women, discriminating between religions, you will go a long way in choosing the great and relevant thoughts in the writings of ancient masters over irrelevant opinions of the past. 

Sayana strikes a very sane note when he states the meaning of Veda. That which is beyond perception and inference is what is called 'transcendent to the world' or 'beyond the world'. Only in that direction Vedas come in as the guide. What is within perception and inference, that is, questions regarding the world, should be approached on the basis of perception, inference and science. But do you think anybody will take note of this and do course correction? No. Rather they will be pleased to indulge in the statements favouring caste and age-old customs and will argue, 'are not these very statements found expressed by the very same Sayana, whom you quote? How can you pick and choose one statement from an author and leave out the other?'. But really I always pick and choose the best and strong points, not only from the ancient masters, but from any author I happen to study, irrespective of the author being ancient or modern. That is why even in the cases of Sri Ramakrishna or Sri Ramana or Swami Vivekananda, when people hunt for some rare instances in which they might have expressed some chance random opinions on occasions and retort to me saying 'your Ramakrishna has also said like this', I have no problem in ignoring such statements by anybody and take only the best and the most relevant to humanity. 

The secret is what has been told by Sayana in such beautiful terms - 'don't confuse the questions of the world and the spiritual quest. For questions beyond the world, Vedas come in as the guide. For the questions of the world your own perception, inference and science are sufficient.' With this clarification let us proceed. 

This meaning of the 'Veda' becomes more and more relevant when we reach Vedanta. It is made a firm epistemological basis by Vyasa in the beginning of his magnum opus, viz., Brahma Sutra. But again, first, what is Vedanta? Is Vedanta the same as Veda or different? Is Vedanta, as the name seems to suggest the end portions of Vedas? Veda anta. It is better to clarify ourselves on this point. Again these little clarifications go a very long way in steering us towards right directions. Regarding this question of Veda plus anta, end portions of Vedas are Vedanta, the idea which was already one of the explanations in the circles of pandits, seems to have settled down as the only meaning with the introduction of the printed book by the western powers. It was convenient for the researchers and book-writers and article-writers to discuss about Vedanta starting with an initial statement to this effect, that the Vedanta constitutes the end portions of Vedas. As if in a printed book the last chapters are added may be at the same time or at a later time, researchers began to think of such possibilities in the case of Vedas and Vedanta. Other meanings like 'Nirnaya of the Vedas', 'conclusions of the Vedas' or 'essence of the Vedas' were lost sight of. Here Vedanta was denoting the Upanishads that come in the Vedas. But all the Upanishads do not form the last portions. Some come in the middle, some in the start, some intermixed with the forest speculations. But no, the convenience of one meaning resembling our contemporary culture weighs more heavily than the true perspective. And for all that, the Vedas were not initially printed books or written manuscripts but chanted and orally preserved. We must remember that.

Of course, the Upanishads are what are called Vedanta proper. But why is it called so? Not because it is the last portion of the Veda, but because the Upanishads form the 'anta' of the Vedas. The conclusions, the nirnaya or ascertained import of the Vedas. So to say, the Upanishads form the essence or secret import of the Vedas. That is, Vedas are only various ways of leading the aspirants to the stage when they can understand the real secret which is about 'beyond world'. 
Srirangam Mohanarangan 


What is Vedanta ? - 03

'Beyond the world' seems to be the key-point in Vedanta. If it is a subject within the world then regular means of knowing like perc...